Speech by Mr Lawrence Wong, Minister for National Development, at the launch of the Rail Corridor Request for Proposal awards exhibition at URA Centre Atrium [Speeches]

November 10, 2015 by  
Filed under News

09 Nov 2015

Mr Desmond Lee,

Parliamentary colleague

Mr Ng Lang, CEO, URA

Fellow colleagues,

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,

I’m very happy to join you today for the launch of this Rail Corridor exhibition.

A Connected Rail Corridor

For decades, the Rail Corridor served as a transportation line to carry goods and people to and from Singapore. It was a journey of many twists and turns, as those of you who were involved in the process would know, before we finally obtained this stretch of land back in 2011.

The Corridor has outlived its function as a rail line. But in many ways, we have a higher degree of connectivity than before, even though it is no longer a rail line. First, we now have a fully connected Corridor with more contiguous parcels of land, which offer better development opportunities for housing and other economic activities. In time to come, these developments will add to the diverse landscapes of homes, schools and industrial estates which are already along the Corridor today. Read more